Monday, February 18, 2019

Welcome to Costa Rica: With Glee!

Kyla was the one who came up with our inaugural Family Adventure Motto (FAM).  On our first full day in Costa Rica, Dwayne and I puffed to keep up with our children as they energetically flew up stairs and down trails. I called out to them and Kyla responded, "But we're running with childish glee!"  We shortened it, and made "With Glee!" our #FAM.  As Piper was pulled back and turned in circles before being pushed down the zipline, the rest of us would shout out an encouraging "With Glee!"  As we trotted down the billion-trillion (as counted by Wes) stairs to Punta Islita beach, passing iguana, vine snakes, and macaws, we did it "With Glee!" 

With glee, we...

caught fish,

and released them (after naming them),

milked cows,

 swam in waterfalls,

 fed hummingbirds,

 posed with toucans,

 held newly emerged butterflies,

feasted at Don Romeriz and toasted with Miguel's special coconut toasts,

made new friends,

made ceviche and ate it,

learned about macaws,

explored waterfalls,

and other trails,

ate tropical breakfasts, 

played in the plunge pool,

played in the regular pool,


super siesta-ed,

rode horses,

boogie boarded,

boogie unboarded, 

played pick up football,

"played" more football,

and found more friends. 

Can't wait to tell you more about it!

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