Thursday, February 21, 2019

Pura Vida: Football!

Wesley was so stoked about playing pick up soccer at Punta Islita.  A couple of days a week, the locals met on the field for a late afternoon game.  We all went down to explore "town", and the girls and I walked the one street and did our shopping (in a mini-supermarket that made a 7-11 look like Costco).  

Dwayne gave up playing soccer sometime between Piper and Wesley's arrival, perhaps a decade a go.  He still looks like a soccer player to me, and Wes was thrilled to run around behind Daddy...

...or not.

The game broke up when it got too dark, and rather than keep coordinating rides with the hotel, we walked a block to one of the two restaurants in town before walking back uphill to the hotel.  I got pretty good at always carrying a cribbage board with me, and so not only did we have a great meal, but Wesley beat me in cribbage over dinner.  

It was exactly the experience Wesley was hoping for, and since there was just one other kid in the game, all the guys (who were casually awesome at soccer) were really kind to the newbies.  In fact, it was so "just right" that we opted not to do it again, as why dilute a good thing.  It was one of many lessons we learned from this trip.

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