Thursday, February 14, 2019

Piper is 11! (Montage)

There are so many sides to Piper!  Even three years ago, I even could have honestly added "and some of them are good!".  But she's turning out way better than I expected.  Here's a montage of some of her personalities.

Piper Language.  She communicates through beeps, purrs, growls, hisses, and words she just plain makes up.  Here, she and Kyla are putting together a puzzle (snow day activity!) and working together across languages.  Kyla lovingly interprets and translates Piperese when called upon.

Last week, I was in a line all the way back to the end of the grocery store (it was the brief period between snow storms when even the 2 wheel drive could make it out of the garage) and used the time to call one of my sisters-in-law.  Finally, I had to tell her I would have to talk later, because the kids kept calling me and I probably shouldn't ignore them any more.  (I leave them at home to go out a lot, but they feel free to call all the time, about the smallest things.) This time, it was Piper.  When I got off the phone with her, the couple ahead of me sad something about kids always calling about stupid things, and I agreed, but then had to admit, in a bit of a daze, that I had just hung up with my almost-11 year old who had called to ask it if was okay if she started dinner for me while I was gone.  Delicious tacos were waiting when I got home from shopping and picking up Wesley.  
 I trust all my kids with knives (though still waiting for Wes to remember to use a cutting board and not the granite countertop...bad for the knives, though the counter doesn't mind!)  As always, the local grocery store made her birthday cake.  

Piper got her letter of acceptance to Hogswarts for her 11th birthday.  Well, to be more accurate, it arrived one day late.  Turns out owls are a little slow in snow storms...but still way faster than moms, it turns out!

Piper also got me to start making homemade bread again, something I haven't done for years.  She and Wes are both excited to do almost all the work...except the clean up.  Oh, goodness, I went for a long time without eating carbs, and then the snow hit (for two weeks), and I. Cannot. Stop. Eating. Bread.   

Yep, this kid is pretty unique.  And so damn loveable, which is probably why I'm still head-over-heals twitterpated with this complex human! Happy birthday, beloved Piper!

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