Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Excuse

(Throwing this back in the calendar so I can blog about Costa Rica.)

We have just settled down in the smaller of Costa Rica's airports and I had thought I would be but all caught up on blogging before returning from our first international family travel adventure.  But this book has been on my shelf for a while, and when I search for books similar to my favorite fantasy authors (Patrick Rothfuss, Jim Butcher, and beloved Michael Sullivan), this Sanderson guy comes up.  In fact, just opening the cover, I found this:

"I loved this book.  What else is there to say?" --Patrick Rothfuss

If Pat liked it, who am I to forego 1252 pages of pure delight? So I packed this book and no other, but didn't crack it until our second hotel.  I had to wade through the pre-prologue and doggy paddle through the regular prologue, but by page 20, I was hooked.  But then I set it down before literally swimming in the ocean, and Hubby picked it up.  Well, there is no waiting for me to get through this book before he gets to continue--especially since it's about 5 regular books long.  So I got out the butcher knife and sliced it right through the spine on the way to page 200.  Then I kept an eye on how far along he was getting in his book-ella, and then cut it again to make a third book.   

Dwayne was appalled, appalled, dear Reader, that I would desecrate a book such.  However, consider this:

[my guilt over ripping a book into readable sections] <  [my guilt in hoarding an excellent story]

And now he's less appalled and more engrossed...

{All that to say, please check back over the next few days for updates from the last 10 days.  I hit the ground running at 7:30am tomorrow after hopefully getting home by 2am, so I ask for grace...Mom}

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