Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Baby is 6!


If I didn’t have to keep reminding him not to suck his fingers, Wesley probably wouldn’t seem so baby-ish, but he still snuggles up just like he did when he was just learning to walk and still took naps. 



To celebrate, besides having a holiday off school, we went to the Pacific Science Center….as did the rest of the 206 and 425 area code population.  We spent more time in line than we did seeing the IMAX.  Then they were hungry and we spent more time in lines to get IMG_4459food. Wesley kept saying he wanted to go home to play with his new “electrician’s kit”. S0 after some play time at the Fountain, we acquiesced, with only one little stop at a tile store on the way home. 

Wesley loved having a birthday, so no matter how I felt at the end of the weekend, it was a success. 

*     *     *      *      *       

To cap off the day, we realized that Kyla was missing her retainer.  I searched frantically, Kyla searched not-so-frantically, and we finally concluded that she must have left it at the cabin.  I left at 8pm, didn’t catch the ferry until 9, searched every logical and illogical place at the cabin, and found so many items that weren’t the retainer.  I managed to hit a rock in the dark as I turned into the driveway, and when I left empty-handed to catch the 10:30, I was also empty-tired.  I ruined the wheel completely (only a $75 cost, as I was to find out) to limp down the street until I had some porch light from an abandoned house to see by.  There was no cell service.  I changed my first tire, with “help” from two neighbors who were both intoxicated and high.  Some youth are happy drunks, some mean, some sad, but these two were stupid, stupid drunk.  They were more helpful than a two year old, but that’s not a compliment.  But in spite of their whiny “wish I was less drunk so I could help” pleas, I got the donut tire on in time to catch the 11:30, and was in bed by Monday morning, hours before I had to be at the school to volunteer at 8am. 

It was the perfect end to the weekend.

Did I mention that we still haven’t found the $250 retainer? 

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