Dwayne and I already had our weekend planned, and it did not include completely redoing the cabin shower. Until it did.
We gathered our materials all week, and as soon as our last brunch guests left Saturday afternoon, so did we.
Saturday: Earlier, we researched and found that the greenboard we put on was not going to be adequate, so we ripped everything out. Again. Then we put in an approved waterproof jetboard and made the decision to tile all the way to the ceiling with inadequate amounts of tile. Dwayne and I love to keep it interesting!
Here is why it’s important to keep the shower from leaking. Those are the logs. Bad form to let them rot.

The jetboard is on, still needs to be taped and mudded (with thinset).

Now to turn this into a beautiful shower! No pressure.
Piper looks happy there, but here’s the message she left us during a time out when she had found the tile separaters. (Those who have a difficult time reading the font, it translates to “I want to go home!”)

Sunday: After returning home Saturday night, as we
had a house guest and Sunday church duties, we ran up to the cabin again to tile. It took us until after 10pm, but this is what it looked like sans grout. Going up to the ceiling was probably a good idea, and I really like the accent tile.

Piper was both a frog and mouse helper, delivering tools to Dwayne and I as we called for them.

Monday: Dwayne wanted to stay but had too many meeting Monday morning, so he returned home on Sunday night. The kids had no school on Monday, so I woke up the next morning at 8am, put cereal on the table for the kids, and began grouting.
Even though I swore up and down we would run out of tile (bread and fishes, we were able to finish tiling with a few scraps and miraculously few bad cuts), I didn’t consider worrying about having only two buckets of grout. We needed 3, so I called Dwayne, who discovered the nearest distributer of that grout was in Everett. Dwayne left work early, stopped to get grout, and was there by 4:30 to help me do the last wall and clean it all up. I finished the sink backsplash, and now the last few details for another day seem much more finite. We may actually get it all back together in one more afternoon, including cleaning up all the dust we created that probably is coating every blessed log in that blessed log cabin.
Here’s the almost final result. Ignore the complete lack of faucets. The grout was still curing!

Infinitely superiour to the dingy white plastic we had a few weeks ago. I wonder when we will do a project that we actually plan for?

I know, the lights make it all look yellow-ish, but I was trying to show how the two tiles complemented each other.