Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pacific Science Center--Again

I had promised Kyla for a long time we would make it back to the PSC as soon as we had a free day.  She had earned tons of quarters from chores and had been saving to buy some minerals she saw at the museum store.  Kyla had an appointment this morning, so we were able to go from there.  It was after noon, so we stopped by Trader Joe’s to buy lunch for us all and ran into a good friend, who had recently taken two kids extra into her home, just older than her first two kids. The other kids were visiting family for a few days, so Heidi was down to just two.  I had been wanting to do something for Heidi since she became a foster parent, so I begged her to let me take her kids to the PSC for the afternoon.  Seriously, five kids is not much harder than three, and most kids are easier to take places than my own progeny. 

Our goal was to see Journey to the South Pacific at the IMAX.  It was not as thrilling as the Mammals of the Ice Age, but still amazing.



They talked me into giving them $2 for the tornado machine.  Since all 5 fit in, it was a good deal.  All kids made it out again.


Fortunately, at the end of the day, I made it out, too.  Six exhausted people trudged back to the car.  I gave them lots of extra time to listen to The Frog Princess in the car as I wandered all over Seattle trying to get from the Space Needle to the freeway.  I am a perfect idiot in Seattle traffic…and that’s with a GPS!

In the four months since getting our membership, I’ve used up all our IMAX tickets.  My kids, who refuse to let us take them to see Frozen in a regular theater, will always eagerly watch a IMAX movie.  I think it’s because they all can handle violent nature shows better than fictional stories with happy endings.  Odd, but useful, since I prefer the nonfiction as well.

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