Saturday, May 21, 2011


Jevan was over this afternoon and he was chosen to read bedtime stories.  I love how the girls are as close as sleeping ferrets in this picture. 



Jevan is more than just an arm to hold up Kyla at story time.  He also, with a surprising amount of success, held Wesley a lot this afternoon.  Left ear infection + Right ear infection + a bronchial infection of some sort (nebulizer, inhaler, and steroid) = a sick and fussy Wesley.  He made not be smiling in this picture, but neither is he crying and reaching out desperately for Mama, which means he is about as content as he can be right now.


1 comment:

Deanna said...

Poor Wesley... sounds like what Ian had back in April - bronchiolitis. He was on albuterol via the nebulizer and antibiotics for an ear infection, too. This cold season has been downright vicious.