My blessed, beloved parents took the girls for several days and we met at a favorite kid park to get them and have a family picnic.
In addition to a real (cement) dragon and castle, there’s lots of different climbing walls. swings, and play structures. Here’s the first that Kyla found.

There’s a small, contained forest with lots of adventure opportunities. And buried treasure, if you’ll believe the tales of a four-year-old. All the kids loved the several logs to balance on, Wesley included. He didn’t get a picture, though, as he still needs to hold Mama’s hands to balance.

I like this picture because it shows Kyla’s “friendly sword” (her term), the sword fern that she used before she got a stick sword.

Wesley was all over everything, so I waited until he was still and ground-level before snapping his picture.

Piper was happy to be back in Mama’s arms. Mama’s arms were glad to have her back!