Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Scares Denise, Top 10

10. Drowning while being squeezed/bitten by snakes.

9.    Drowning.

8.    Having a tree come through our roof and killing us all as we sleep.

7.    Having a tree come through our roof and killing us all as we sleep.

6.    Having a tree come through our roof and killing us all as we sleep.

5.    Having a tree come through our roof and killing us all as we sleep.

4.    Having a tree come through our roof and killing us all as we sleep.

3.    Having a tree come through our roof and killing us all as we sleep.

2.    Having a tree come through our roof and killing us all as we sleep.

1.    Having a tree come through our roof and killing everyone but me.


Last night #1-8 played out vividly in my head from about 1am – 2am.  When the first branches started hitting our bedroom roof, I unthinkingly ran for the nursery and grabbed Wesley, sniping to Dwayne to get the girls.  We spent the next hour or so trying to sleep together in the guest bed downstairs.  We didn’t sleep, but we didn’t die, either. 

It wasn’t until the next morning that Dwayne discovered this in our dining room:


That’s a harpoon disguised as a tree branch. 


This is the whole up close with a tarp covering this part of the roof. 


Messy? Inconvenient?  Expensive?  More work for Mama?  Yes, yes, yes, and yes.  But no tree fell through our bedrooms killing any of us.  More than anything, this stick kept things in perspective for me.

Just for the fun of it, here is some pictures of the branches/trees down in the back forty.




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