Sunday, March 10, 2013

Another Excuse to Engineer

Of course I reuse Ziplock bags.  Not only is it an unnecessary expense to buy new ones all the time, it is a crime to throw away that much plastic.  I actually try to use tupperware first, but sometimes there’s not substitute.  Which is why I wash my ziplocks then search around for a place to put them while they take days to dry.
I’ve fixed this problem at home by putting up a thin, bendable steel rod under a shelf.  Everything in my kitchen is a bit of a temporary solution until we put in new cabinets/island in a few years.  I always have something hanging, so it’s not always attractive—but so, so handy!

I one-upped myself this weekend at the cabin. It’s mostly hidden when not in use (look for the black brackets in the corner h0lding up a sideways “L”-shaped metal rod. 

When I need to hang up bags, I can pull the rod out over the sink and let them drip-dry while we’re gone. 

I thunk it up myself.

1 comment:

Margaret, Jeremy, Evelyn & Isaiah said...

hooray for the bag savers! I might have to borrow your ingenious idea.