Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Day! May Day!

I have always meant to do the May Day thing. You know, pick flowers, wrap them up, and have the kids leave them on our neighbors’ doorsteps. This year, we, ahem, I really did it!

The girls decorated the papers, I made them into cones, tied ribbons onto them, picked most of the flowers, put them in the cones, and then the kids hung them on all twenty doorknobs in our neighborhood.  By the tenth house, they got the idea.  They rang the doorbell, giggled, ran away, giggled, got on their bikes (giggling), and went on to the next target.  It's hard to remain anonymous in the middle of the afternoon with a parade of bikes and red wagons!





Can I admit here, in the privacy of this unprotected blog, that it was a huge pain?!? 

But then the emails started rolling in last night: 

Many thanks to the mystery May Day maidens who left fabulous bouquets of fresh flowers and May Day merriment at our door. You made our day!

Flowers and baskets and surprises!....isn't that what May is all about? What a wonderful welcome for spring!  Thank you May fairies!

Thank you so much. It brought back memories of when we delivered May baskets many, many years ago!

It was something to bring the neighborhood together, and as I am trying to get everyone to come to our annual meeting in June (as Dictator-Secretary for Life), I’m glad we did it.

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