Friday, February 10, 2012

Piper’s Super-Duper Someone-Loves-Her Cake

When Kyla turned five, she wanted to go fishing and have a fish (um, shaped) cake.  This burned into Piper's psyche the image of the perfect birthday cake.  My good friend, Elizabeth, who made Kyla’s cake in September, volunteered to make one for Piper as well.  So at playgroup today, we ate cake. 

Kyla’s cake in September:

9-10 Fishing (tom's camera) 024[5]



The problem with this cake is the kids couldn’t decide which to eat first, the frosting, the cake, or the 7 pounds of M&M’s.  I couldn’t decide either. 


Piper was thrilled with her cake.Piper's birthday 025


She still considers herself 3 1/2 since her 4th birthday is still 4 days away.

Piper's birthday 038Piper's birthday 044Piper's birthday 045

Piper's birthday 051

Susanne has been my kids’ mother-in-waiting, if you will, and they adore her.

Piper's birthday 030

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