Friday, August 27, 2010

The Sequel, The End

I’ve gotten to read two books recently that each completed a trilogy I have written about earlier on this blog.

The first was Found, the conclusion to The Magic Thief and Lost. Ironically, I have not actually the read the first two; I checked out the audiobooks from the library on a whim. This is a series that is best when read aloud. The “unintended” humor shines when one takes the time to hear the boy’s voice. The concluding book was delightful, but I wished I would have waited for the audiobook version. It would have made cleaning/ironing/cooking/washing much more enjoyable.

This is a series I would bring on a car trip for the whole family to listen to when the kids are in grade school.

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The second novel reached out, grabbed my arms in a iron embrace, and didn’t let go, even when I wasn’t physically touching the book. Mockingjay is the conclusion to the Hunger Games series. Supposedly, a movie is being made on this series. I probably won’t see it because 1) it would have to be rated R for violence and 2) I don’t want it to take away the power of the series for me. It doesn’t sound like my usual type of book, does it? But I did go down to Barnes and Noble 10 minutes before closing the day it came to buy my copy because I could not wait any longer. And it has been worth the late nights spent reading it.

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I will have to wait until the kids are teenagers to read this one aloud. But we are going to love talking about it.

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