Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Dammit, Dwayne Got an Itch

An itch to build something.  Something big.  Something that takes too much time, money, and effort.

How about another wall, Babe?


Sept. 2015 new at cabin 12

And currently:


We actually got the front of the wall done in 2.5 days, but that just started the project.  We ran out of materials, gravel, dirt, dirt, and dirt pretty quickly.  I had a few mornings of being on the 7am ferry to cart back as many 80 lb blocks the minivan could handle (spoiler: not many).  As our two weeks wrapped up, we realized that the 30 yards of dirt we got was not enough.  The 20 more I ordered wasn’t deliverable for a week.  Which is why I am here today, anxiously awaiting a dump truck in the next hour. 

And then?  After all that dirt is shoveled into place? 

Then, we will have finally built our blank canvas and can actually start the project. 

Did I mention that Dwayne is back at work and it’s just Me & 3 at the cabin? 


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