Little Ol’ McCloud organized at “social bike ride” for Wednesday evening. Meet downtown at 6, bring a picnic and lots of water, and bike about 3 miles down the road to a little known spring of the Mt. Shasta watershed while strengthening community ties. Eight of our ten went, which with the exception of one preteen boy, was the McCloud social group, plus the three that organized it. (And a mom-and-daughter team showed up halfway through, but they were also not from McCloud.)
The social part of this was a smoke screen for a lecture on the importance of the springs, the watershed, the corporate influences on water rights and citizens, etc. However, when she started talking, I only heard, “Not only did we start 15 minutes late waiting for non-existent people to show, but now I won’t let you feed your hungry and bored children at what is an expected dinner time because it’s more important to educate you very-non-locals about our watershed. So you get to keep your children quiet and artificially well-behaved for an interminate time while the non-mothers can ask thoughtful, lecture-lengthening questions.”
Nope. Not bitter at all.
But look at this view. Could it have been more picturesque? 
I didn’t have to even Photoshop in that perfect bridge in the background. What a lovely evening!

Wesley and Kyla loved the daisies along the trail and both picked me large bouquets. All things considered, I did enjoy the evening.

[True confession: it didn’t take Wesley long to find something more macho than flowers.]