Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mother’s Day Comes Early

The only thing I really want for Mother’s Day is our annual portrait session.  What I would really, really like is all the poses I want (and the correct layout and size) without the trouble of getting all the kids to the studio fairly clean, fed, and happy.  Ha! 

Today was more hectic that the previous 3 years, with Wesley peeing during his naked shots, Kyla and Piper choosing that moment to decide they were potty trained and both had to go RIGHT NOW, well, as soon as they dropped, picked up, dropped again, then ate another goldfish cracker. But those are not the moments recorded for posterity. Instead, I present to you our finest, at their best...Kyla, Piper, and Wesley. ( To see the slide show, just double-click on the first picture, and it will go from there.)

The best part about getting this done early? I can now enjoy Mother’s Day.

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