Friday, April 9, 2010

Hail and Happiness

4-8-10 hail 2

Yesterday, we woke up to hail and it didn’t melt until afternoon. We didn’t have snow at all this winter, and we get hail in April. At least it didn’t harm any of the flowers that started to bloom early because of the unseasonably warm weather we had before this!

But today erased the memory of the previous cold. First we woke up and the girls wanted to be in the crib with Wesley.

4-9 kids

Later, since it was spring break, I took the kids down to the school yard to play. Kyla rode her scooter all the way there except the steepest hill. Piper is still mama-powered, instead of foot-powered, on the scooter.

4-9 Kyla scooter & Piper 4-9 Piper scooter4-9 Kyla basketball4-9 Piper

Kyla likes to play pretend basketball—she scores every time!

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