Monday, June 18, 2018

Piper Presents…

6-18 Piper presenting Art Gecko

I had the honor and task of taking Wesley’s 2nd grade class for the last two weeks of school, while his excellent teacher was in Kenya.  We were covering Living Things in science, and had a section on animal habitats.  Science should be hands-on when possible, so Piper and I brought in Art Gecko for the day.  Piper is actually very shy, and would rather forgo a much anticipated playdate than make a phone call and, gulp, have to talk to someone.  We’re working on this, and her teacher readily gave her permission to miss about 45 minutes of class so that she could give 15 minute presentations to the 3 2nd grade classes.  She did an excellent job—she introduced them to Art, and talked about what he needed to survive as a desert animal. Knowing her subject well, and speaking to younger kids, many that she knew and knew her, made it much easier for her.  I was so proud!  And I love that I am often in a position that I can manage extra experiences for my kids.

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