Me likey Monday Halloween!
The kids when to party at the Rock Climbing gym on Friday and I was able to go to a (grown up) party on Saturday night, get my vomiting pumpkin (see nauseous blue one below) ready for
Monday’s parties, and have a fairly relaxing Halloween day. I was at all 3 kids parties that day, so nothing else was on the schedule.
The kids were ready to trick-or-treat through the neighborhood before I was ready to take them, so they went on their own. I missed out on seeing neighbors, but I got us ready for the neighborhood bonfire. (That’s a fancy term for me setting up our little fire pit in front of our island, and packing over chairs, hotdogs, s’mores, and our jack-o-lanterns in a wheelbarrow.) The kids brought their candy, some neighbors, and their appetites. The rain held off until bedtime and I chalked one up for a perfect Halloween!