Monday, March 23, 2015

I’m Back!

It’s spring, which mostly means my winter quarter is over.  It was only one class, but it was an extra 10-20 hours a week since January.  Most of the 11 hats I wear at school had to be put on during this time, as well, including Book Fair Chair, Literacy Night Chair (cleverly done at the EXACT SAME TIME!), Book Club chair, and then lots and lots of little things that are small enough until they have to be done.

My favorite part of today is that Kyla had her vision progress report and in two weeks, she’s going to graduate from the program!  This is great news, because we were going to be done regardless of today’s results, but Kyla gets to feel that all her hard work paid off.  It’s also one more thing off my plate.  Which is good, because I have lots of possibilities lined up to jump right back on said plate!

Over the next week, my goal is to fill in some of the empty spaces of winter, 2015, so expect random back-dated posts for a while.  I’ll move forward soon!

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