My kids are the youngest on Dwayne’s side of the family (there are 21 years between Wesley and Aaron, the oldest grandchild of Dick and Darlene), and the oldest on my side. This is leads to different dynamics depending upon the state we are in.
The map of affection resembles a web, with Wesley adoring Isaac, a college frosh, and the boy cousin he best knows, but finding in 25-year-old Aaron a perfect playmate. Esther and Esther’s bird held no end of fascination for Piper, and Kyla simultaneously liked and shied away from everyone but sought out Kara if anyone at all. There were “extra” cousins, with both Aaron and Jeffery bringing girlfriends, and the third generation were a pretty jolly bunch.
Kara is an amazing athlete, and willingly shared her talents.
Esther does great hairdo’s, so both girls benefitted from her touch.
Esther sweetly sat at the “kids’ table” with our three.

The bigger kids read bedtime stories on our first night together.

We loved out evening adventure jaunts!

Aaron and Wesley tried in vain to get the Superman kite to fly. Even Wesley’s good karma was no help.
Check out these soccer moves!

I don’t know what Wes is doing here, but I love it!
Isaac was out playing frisbee golf so Wesley had to find out how awesome Jeffery and Aaron can be.

Not so long after this last photo, Wesley threw up everything he ate for breakfast that morning. No one’s pointing fingers, but there was a lot of tossing and bouncing up to this point. Aaron.
Thanks, Cousins, for making a special occasion even more memorable!