Tuesday, October 4, 2011


9-30 Wes 1

Wesley has been a very verbal toddler, but used three-word phrases (“Daddy at work”; “Kyla at preschool”; “Where’s Piper?”) before he figured out “no”.  (Previously, he’s just shaken his head when he 9-30 Wes 2doesn’t want something.)

But “NO” has now exploded.  This week, the Wesley Webster defines “no” the following way:

No [ nō ], adverb:

1. No.

2. Not really.

3. Perhaps later.

4. Maybe.

5. Of course I want that!

6. Yes, yes, yes!

7.  Meow.


However, today this little guy isn’t for sale.   But I’ll gladly trade the girls for a used piece of chewing gum.  Maybe I could put it in my ears….

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