Keith and Julie hosted and grilled the best beer can chicken and teriyaki steak.

Auntie Janet enjoyed Parker. Parker enjoyed Auntie Janet.

Against family tradition, we played more than we ate. It was a blast!

Dwayne organized a soccer game. We love their backyard because it’s straight and flat and fenced in. That suits our skill level. Kyla was excited to play soccer on Daddy’s team. Piper alternated between riding on my shoulders (occasionally covering my eyes) and me carrying her in front of me to help her kick the ball like a human foosball player.

I was not on the same team as my husband and firstborn.

Wesley was on his own team, Team Mayhem. He wanted the “da”.

The game pitted brother against brother…

…and wife against husband.


This is a family portrait. Piper’s feet can be seen through my legs, where Uncle Brian is helping her kick the ball. Julie and Parker are our spectators.

Then the kids got out their bikes and trikes and we took advantage of their great (flat) driveway.

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