Sunday, April 7, 2019

Spring Fling: In search of dessert, and evidence of my last cartwheel

We meandered miles (and almost twice as many kilometers!) around historic Victoria after a day of sailing and Butchart Garden-ing.  We found ourselves with sun, a pleasant evening, and acres of grass in front of the capitol building.  The kids did as I always pictured Mary and Laura Ingalls did in the Little House books--started cartwheeling through the grass.  

They were cracking me up, as Kyla in particular, reminded me of myself trying for years to master this basic gymnast trick.  Finally, in 3rd grade, I accidently cartwheeled down a hill, and perhaps centrifugal force took over, because I finally got my legs up and the feel for a decent cartwheel.

That was when I was 10.

Now I am 44.  I haven't done a cartwheel for years and years...possible since before I became a baby-maker. There was a good chance this is going to be the last time in my life I attempt such a (underwhelming) feat. Here goes: 

Notice I'm cleverly dressed in heeled boots and rain jacket.

I'm too wimpy to go barefoot, but I at least took off the jacket. 

And Wesley, of course, can do a decent cartwheel.

There were more tricks in store, as Wesley was trying to balance on Kyla's and Dwayne's shoulders.  And what Wesley can do, Piper needs to prove she can as well.

I led our march, and after the kids were fortified with chocolate and ice cream, we explored until we found ourselves across a bridge looking back onto the downtown we had started from. The kids played nesting dragons on the rocks for as long as we--and the daylight--would allow them.

Good first day in Canada, eh?

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