Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Little “Star”

I have been working on getting some basics for the cabin, and it only took one night of sleeping on air mattresses to realize the first thing I wanted were good mattresses.  (Bed frames can wait, though.)

So I went to a local store that I hadn’t visited before.  The owner makes his own mattresses and the cost is pretty close to wholesale.  (I got 5 excellent mattresses—high quality foam, etc, for $2000; 4 twins, 1 queen.)  Wesley and Piper were with me when I chose them, and they enjoyed playing on with the owner’s dog and then pretending it was naptime on the sample bed we were building.

They were cute enough that the owner asked if I would bring them back later to be in a commercial for the company.  Wesley, with his eyes squeezed tightly shut and his mouth in a weird huge grin, got cut in editing, but Piper is in the commercial.  It’s supposed to air during Opera reruns starting today. 

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