The first picture you'll never see: In the middle of a morning of potty (Kyla), puke (Piper), and pajamas (Mama hadn't been able to change yet), I was changing Piper for the second time. I heard a crash and a cry. Suspecting Kyla had fallen off a chair reaching for more crackers, I hurried to the kitchen. No Kyla. But still a lot of crying. I looked down the stairs, and sure enough, Kyla was sprawled flat on the tiled floor, with her ride-on airplane crashed on the floor next to her. The scene suggested she had been riding on it when it went down the stairs; had she been pushing it, I don't think she would have ended at the bottom.
The second picture: Of course, Kyla was crying her heart out and Piper was going at it, too. So I rocked Kyla close to me and then draped Piper over Kyla's back. This calmed both the girls down immediately and we all snuggled there for a while. They were darling, especially Kyla, who, when I moved Piper over my shoulder, whimpered and patted her own back until I put Piper on her again. I wish I could have taken a picture of the girls, but my hands were full.