It began with the knees. It seems like big bandages = big deal, but he's already forgotten how he scraped both his knees. I think it was wheel-to-asphalt injury, but since this happened earlier this month, it's been overwritten with other memories.

This one sticks with him--not only does he remember it vividly, but a month later, he still has a bruise under his fingernail after slamming it in a door. We heard the death scream from all corners of the property. Of course, it's his middle finger.
This one is far more subtle. I also heard echos of a death scream from where I was working outside, but Dwayne was in the same room with him, so I didn't come running. But I cleaned up the blood for days afterward!

If you look closely right in the middle of the picture at the green railing, you can see a blood spot. That's actually a large splatter on the kitchen window, and more splatters were found later on the cupboards appliances, and walls. Wesley has seen me fix the "oil on top of the peanut butter" problem by mixing it with an immersion blender, and being an independent-ish child, he was going to do it instead of asking me to. As Dwayne later described it, "Wesley found out the hard way that the immersion blender has fast-moving blades on it." He still has all his fingers and didn't even need stitches, but that new knowledge about kitchen appliances is going to stick with him for the rest of his life.
Luckily, snuggling with Kyla makes everything better!