Dwayne had a whole check off list of things to do on Monday before Omega would arrived on Tuesday (a mandate I had declared last week—I didn’t want to be pregnant any longer!). So naturally, my water broke Sunday night just after 11pm. I guess it was important to establish early on that Mama and Daddy were NOT in control.
Noteworthy: all three kid’s birthdays are associated with holidays. Kyla was born on the Friday afternoon of Labor Day weekend (her 2nd birthday was on the actual Labor Day), Piper is a Valentine’s baby, and Wesley as born on the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday.
Wesley just two days before he was born. He’s the one in the middle.

Not long after he was born, 03:17 Jan. 18, 2010. The nurse was puzzled at first because he was so blue. His oxygen was a little low on his first measurement but it soon went up to the perfect 100%, but his coloring was still off. The staff, including a NICU nurse and later the pediatrician, concluded that his bluishness was from the bruising he got coming so fast.

The required shot of the mom who goes into labor instead of dreamland one night.
Wesley’s first bath. Yeah, he didn’t like it much. But you can see he has some hair! I predict he will lose it quickly and he may be another tow-head to spite his father.

Something men don’t always get is how sexy they look when they take off their shirt…to keep a baby warm!
My parents came up about 1 this morning to stay with the girls and then bring them down to their house for a few days. They were able to visit us in the hospital and the girls, especially Kyla, were delighted to meet Wesley-who-may-be-called-Sam-sometimes. Grandpa took all these great pictures, which explains why he isn’t in any of them.