My littler tow-head has almost enough hair to wrangle into little pigtails! Check it out.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Kyla, My Santa Elf
During Piper’s naptime, Kyla and I put up our outdoor Christmas lights. That is to say, all the ones that did not require a ladder to get to. Dwayne was a very generous spirit this year, and did those for me, quickly and to my (very reasonable, I think) specifications. Too bad I haven’t yet taken a picture of the finished product.
After this, she helped me decorate the Christmas tree we had gotten earlier that morning. We love this season!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Twilight Zone
This is not usually how my living room looks. I got up one morning and noticed something was terribly wrong. [Note: Dwayne had let me sleep in a bit, so the kids had already been up for a little bit.]
I opened up the pocket door leading to the kitchen and discovered why the living room was so unrecognizable—all the usual clutter was stuffed in the kitchen by some ambitious kids.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Cat Herding
Usually, when I speak of cat herding, I am referring to getting the girls from Point A to B. But Kyla AND Piper are both now carrying Smokey in the most undignified ways. Have you ever read the Olivia books? Olivia the Pig likes to get up, move the cat, eat breakfast, move the cat, get dressed, move the cat, ad naseum. She picks up the cat under the armpits and carries her with little decorum. Kyla and Piper remind me strongly of Olivia.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Playing with Friends
Aubrey came over to play with Kyla and Piper this cold but dry morning. We spent almost 2 hours outside!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Typical Sunday Morning
Or, Why We Go To Second Service
The kids are dressed and fed, Mama finishes getting herself ready, and comes out to a small disaster.
Piper is extremely interested the baking cabinet (also known as the chocolate chip place). She has gotten in the flour, baking soda, and corn starch. After dumping it in interesting designs on the kitchen floor, she walks through it, carrying the corn starch (and wearing one of my fuzzy blue stockings, as you can see in the picture) to Kyla’s room, where she “puts it away” in the pretend kitchen.
Luckily, Piper was happy to come back and pose at the scene of the crime for her mugshot.
What a great opportunity to vacuum the kitchen, hallway, and two bedrooms before church! Thanks, Piper!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Autumn Leaves
We had a break between showers today, so we all went out today to rake leaves and put the garden to bed. Kyla and Piper raked a few leaves, ate jelly bellys out of Daddy’s pocket, and most fun of all, helped Mama keep the leaves in the wheelbarrow.