Friday, May 15, 2020


When the Stay Home order began, we had to figure out coffee.  It's actually not a point of pride that I have no coffee maker in our home; it's more of a point of total self-absorption since I don't drink coffee. (I have three shelves of tea, fully absorbing both myself and teabags.)  But I found myself driving 10 minutes to the nearest Starbucks drive-thru every morning to get Dwayne a drinkable cup of drip coffee.  So when I found myself at Target a few weeks into the quarantine, I brought home a tiny French press and some beans. 

Love began.  

Dwayne loves a splash of half-and-half and a squirt of Stevia in black coffee, and since Wes loves Dwayne's high-calorie mochas, he was convinced he'd love Daddy's new coffee.  And he did.  

Now Wes gets his special "sipsies" each time Dwayne makes himself a cup during the workday.  He'll even get up to make Dwayne's first cup in the morning.  Fortunately, sometimes Wes will throw me a bone and make me a cup of peppermint tea.  

1 comment:

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