Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Before the Rains Come

*I* can't get over this beautiful weather, but apparently this weather can. We've had such amazing days, which makes the Stay Home Stay Safe policy really just feel like a lucky vacation--a snow day, but you know, completely opposite pressure system. 

To make the last of the good weather for a day or two, Wes and I rebuilt the fire pit that accidently found itself under the trampoline after my recent yard-attack, and the kids were thrilled to have hotdogs/sausages for dinner.  Dwayne graduated long ago from pyromaniac to pyromaster, and his fire lasted until the kids had the kitchen cleaned up.  It was the most beautiful evening--we so lucked out getting this house 17 years ago. I don't think I ever need to live on water or in a mountain or any amazing destination, but I think I always want a sunset view.

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