Saturday, May 2, 2020

Piper's Projects

 This girl loves creating and crafting!

Baby Sam has been the recipient of many Piper Inspirations.  Here, he is holding is new toy fish, made lovingly from old rags.

Then Kyla wanted to discard an apron that had been a fun COVID-19 Remote Birthday party, and Piper snatched it.  The original design had Kyla's name under the yellow spot, and the now-blue pocket had other party-related wishes on it.  

And then Piper got a hold of it.

Here are some close ups:

I love her flower designs.  She printed off images she liked, and then scribbled all over the back in pencil, making herself poor-man carbon paper.  Then she could then transfer the image to the apron and color them as she wished.

I am particularly fond of the paw print edging.

She captured Rosie and Timmy,

and even her BFF's kitten (the brown one near the bottom of the apron).  Oh, how she enjoyed the hours on this.  Another parent might make a dig about putting half this effort into her classes, but I'm as restrained as I can be this month.

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