Saturday, April 20, 2019

Evil Easer Bunny

Last year, there were tears.  Not mine, of course. But to buy us more sleeping time, I hid the kids' baskets as well as I could downstairs.  The extra sleep plan may have backfired.

This year, hoping my kids were smarter and more resilient (so that I had to be neither), I did the same thing. First, they woke to this:

Later, I added the PS No Crying!!

I buried each of the bunnies under as much other crap as I could, as the pictures show.

And then, once they found the bunny, they had to figure out the clue to find the rest of the loot.  "There's no cooler kid than Kyla" didn't work out for me, as she had looked in the cooler before she  had found her bunny.  Wesley's "I hope this doesn't leave any scars" befuddled them all for a long time, and I don't know who finally figured out that I hadn't underlined "scars" but "car".  Wesley also found Piper's on top of the freezer before she found her bunny in a box under a box in the office.  However, the big winner that morning? (Clearly not Jesus's resurrection, at least before 9am).  Teamwork.  Kids teamed up against Evil Easter Bunny and won the day!  

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