Friday, November 29, 2019

National Swearing Day

National Swearing Day was a disaster, again.  Another year, and no expletives crossed Dwayne's lips.  What good is National Swear Day if we get our tree in perfect peace?

But we had extra special guests with us this time.  Brian and Sandi met us at the first tree farm, and we made an outing of it, even if we didn't find a tall enough tree at this one.  

Piper helped one cousin write a letter to Santa...

….and the other cousin meet the farm dog.

Look closely--this Little Tike car has a tree tied to the top!  I was in heaven.

 Of course Piper is driving the reindeer!

It may not have the right tree for us, but I XOXO this farm.

We drove over to the next town and stomped through the thick frost to find Our Tree. Amber was such an awesome sport and adventurer!

And still, no swearing....
What kind of #$^@%-ing National Swear Day is this??

Amber came back with Auntie Denise to help decorate our kill, and to give Lil Sis a chance to nap undisturbed.  She was quite the helper. (Kyla waited until later to relocate the 5 ornaments on two branches, fully willing to believe that she and her siblings had all done the same.)

Wes found every excuse he could to put ornaments up high!

After watching her cousins scramble up and down, Amber worked up to standing on the "tall chair" to hang decorations herself. 

There's my elves!

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