Friday, November 22, 2019

A New Use for Piper

Our intimates know about Kyla's movie (and book and audiobook)...oddity. Any hint of drama, or suspense, or mystery--or even dialogue--can set her off keening, galloping up and down the hallway before slowly returning to her seat before doing it all again.  It's, um, distracting for others.  

Dwayne and Piper came up with a new work around. Piper is Kyla's seatbelt.  She sits across Kyla's lap to keep her grounded when Kyla wants to flee.  It works better than it ought to, and Kyla gets a sort of snuggle from her usually very prickly little sister, and Piper tolerates it because she's being helpful and doing a job only she can do.  Win, win...wait, Kyla, come back!

In the background is a common landscape in our basement--Wesley's new improvements on blanket-forting. Notice the total lack of access to the fire place and three-quarters of the room.  I'm kinda over it. But when he hates to do schoolwork, sometimes he can be convinced to take it downstairs and work on it happily in his cave. 

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