Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wesley Learns to Cook

The boy is charming the socks off me lately! 

His sisters have taught him to make mac-n-cheese and then recently Dwayne helped him make pancakes. Now he is fearless.

I came home today from a long day at the school and found this treat waiting for me:


Wesley had made me pancakes and set the table with all my favorite syrups, along with a fresh cup of tea.  (He knows the way to my heart is through herbal tea.) The real surprise?  He had done all the clean up, too! 


He served me on our “You Are Special” plate and made me this sign.  And then we sat down together to eat pancakes while we talked about our day. 

You are welcome, future Wesley bride! But if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep him for another decade or two.

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