Thursday, March 22, 2018

5th Grade Camp: Kyla

3-23 Kyla 5th Grade Camp 8

Every 5th grader in our school district gets to go to overnight camp in the spring.  Our school shared our Wed-Fri slot with two other neighborhood schools.  Kyla’s BFF’s mom was one of the parent volunteers and someone who loves Kyla put her in the same cabin as both of them.  (That’s how I got all these pictures in real time—thanks Cris!)

Camp must be awesome—if you don’t mind the rain (and snow this year), the kids get to do amazing things: 

3-23 Kyla 5th Grade Camp 7

fire making,

3-23 Kyla 5th Grade Camp 3

3-23 Kyla 5th Grade Camp 4


and things I don’t have picture evidence of, like rock-climbing (Kyla got a gold bead for this one!), shelter-making, skits, etc.

3-23 Kyla 5th Grade Camp 2

When Kyla opened her book the first night, she found a card tucked between the pages.

3-23 Kyla 5th Grade Camp 1

What sentimental mush did I write to my daughter on her 3-day adventure away from home?

Dear Kyla,

Well, I miss you already, but not as much as I am excited for you!  You are doing so many things in 2 1/2 day that I’ve never done once in my life. 

Huh.  That tender moment is over. You just threw your sleeping bag at Wesley; he let out his death scream, and any resemblance to a peaceful morning has been shattered.  You’ll have to tell me what your 7am mornings look like (sound like!) at camp with not siblings or scolding mother.  Peaceful yet? Winking smile
Love you so much!


3-23 Kyla 5th Grade Camp 10

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