Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Great Wall of Need

Dwayne recruited one friend, one brother-in-law, and a few guys he hired for the day (and one wife) to build The Wall in one day. 

Here’s were we left it a month ago:  The foundation (1st layer) had been laid and leveled. 

september 059september 060


By 10:30 am it looked like this:

October 057


11:30 am:

October 059


A major part of the construction you don’t see is the yards of drainage rock being poured behind the wall for—you guessed it—drainage.  Dwayne ordered 3 yards of rock and it wasn’t quite enough.


12:30 pm:

October 060


And by 3:30, it was as done as we could get it.  Dwayne will go back and cement the caps onto the top, and he will have to cut several of the caps to fit around the curves.  The stair caps require heaps of cutting.  And the stairs have been moved off the 2012 agenda.  But, this my friends, is a Wall.

October 065October 070

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