Friday, January 15, 2010


I am due to have this baby any day now, and the cold our family has been flirting with came full blow this morning, so it wasn’t the easiest day for me.  But for once, the girls were as tired as I was, so Piper slept 3 hours this afternoon and Kyla and I took a 2 hour nap together.  We were all in much better moods after that!  So we made cookies. 

Usually, this is something Kyla and I do together, but it was time to include Piper.  They were very good about working together to gather the ingredients for me. Piper spooned out sugar into a measuring cup while Kyla measured out the brown sugar and I added the butter.  After that, the girls mostly licked up all the sugar they spilled while I did the rest. 

I’ve always let Kyla choose a color to dye the cookies, so today, Piper picked green and Kyla chose blue.  Kyla’s hands still look as if she had just voted in Iraq.

January 2009 005 January 2009 008

(Above) Kyla informed me that she was cleaning off the spatulas (we ended up using four!) so they would be clean.  You go, germ girl! Piper just licked off anything she thought might have sugar on it.

(Below)  Not the disaster zone I was expecting.  Of course, I didn’t bother to photograph the floor. 

January 2009 009

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