Thursday, March 19, 2020

Did I Say Round the World? Oops, my bad.

Well, that ship has sailed…without us, if I can make a weak witticism.  Of course, it’s far more complicated than that, since our adventure wasn’t a Costco-purchased, 120 day, all-inclusive cruise; the itinerary is a patchwork of different multi- and single-day tours, international and domestic flights, destination hotels and overnight accommodations that took our travel agent months and months to sew together.  It will take as long to unravel.  It is easy to amputate the first leg of the trip when airports are closed, but harder to cancel for a refund for months in the cloudy future.  We will be in Australia and New Zealand in June; both of those countries, within a few days, went from general travel restrictions to mandatory 14-day quarantines for those entering the country to, today, closing borders to non-citizens.   But no one has the crystal ball to know what next month looks like, so summer seems really beyond our understanding. 

But in the meantime, we'll be hunkering down at home, trying not to be part of the problem...and apparently watching something called Beast Masters on Netflix.  

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