Thursday, October 31, 2019

Trick or ... EEK!

Hey, wait.  Where did all my kids go?  I only see a Minecraft Creeper, a Dragon Queen, and a cat...holding a cat.  How meta.

 Later, Kyla got her make up on. I love that she did this all herself!  Wes researched, found, and purchased his own Creeper PJs...and they have been an excellent investment. Being home schooled, he has more pajama days than the average child and there are few Saturdays where he can't get away with wearing his onesie all day.

Wes and I got the firepit ready for the big neighborhood bonfire.  I kid, because if we didn't go, there would be exactly 0 in attendance, probably including the Jack-o-lanterns.

But it's a fun and cozy tradition regardless....huh, I just realized that this picture is not from Halloween.  Or even home.  It's a weekend at the cabin, and possibly at our neighbor's and not even our own place.  Hm.  Well, it's a cozy look anyway.  Happy Halloween, everyone!  

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