Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt, Whidbey Style

I’m about to show some really cute pictures of my progeny, so I’ll even it out by showing a few ugly ones I snapped of Wesley.  Balance, my friends, balance.

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We were at the cabin and hit upon the weekend of the community egg hunt.  I had mixed up the time, so we had time to eat lunch and Piper taught me to make dandelion chains (which she sat down with a bunch of flowers and figured herself—typical Piper).  Wesley helped by picking her lots of flowers, and Kyla wore the jewelry and then went off exploring on her own (typical Kyla). 


[Kyla is currently our beloved toothless wonder, but when she had lost two more teeth, Piper went and pulled one of hers out.  I cannot swear it was loose to begin with.]


Before the Big Wilt, Piper was the most festive egg hunter.




People, shmeople.  This is what really stole the camera’s eye.  Look at the beautiful April weather!


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