Friday, October 25, 2013

Back at the Cabin

It had been 5 weeks since we had been to the cabin (and since I last held my camera, which I had left there), and I had strong cabin fever.  In this case, it meant I wanted in, not out.  

But once we got to the island (and I swear it was sunnier as soon as the ferry docked), we decided to delay heading to Heartsease and went Maxwelton Beach before the sun went down.

Maxwelton beach 024


This late harvest light is golden—as precious as these childhood moments.

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Maxwelton beach 019


Driftwood fort + charcoal from beach fire = “let’s paint this house black” with remainder coal dust left on faces.

Maxwelton beach 045

“Hey, kids, I found a jelly fish!”

“So cool!” “Can I touch it?”  “I’m stepping on it!”  “Look, you can poke a stick through it!” “Yeah!”

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Maxwelton beach 039

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Maxwelton beach 042


Ah, feels like home.

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