Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snow Day!

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This is my friend, Jen.  She does triathlons and reads more books than I do.  Her church had their winter retreat outside of Leavenworth, and Jen invited us along for some time in the snow.


I’ve got lots of pictures that I want to record for my own memory—consider yourself warned!

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The bell reminds us to come in and eat!  And maybe play a game or two…

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…before going on a hike to find the really good sled runs.  It’s called the gravel pit, which I imagine makes more sense in the summer.  In February, it should be referred to as “Scream Like a Girl” run.


My little mountain goats.

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Jen is the only one who made it down with out crashing each time.  The kids were by far safest in her lap!

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That body would be Dwayne, after Screaming Like a Girl.

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Sled? Sled?  Who needs a sled when you are wearing snow pants!!

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Wesley is totally tuckered out for the ride home!

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Luckily, a hot chocolate tea party was waiting for some worn out kids.

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Thanks for the great day, Jen and Good Shepherd!

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