Saturday, September 1, 2012

Piñata Party

Kyla is 6 years old today.  Six.  And she finally had a birthday conveniently on a Saturday.  Kyla's 6h 036

We invited all her playgroup friends (we’ve been together just shy of 6 years now!) with families and made the most of a beautiful September day.

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We made it special with a piñata.  At first, Kyla couldn’t decide between the T-Rex, the butterfly, or the princess.  The good news?  We got to whack a princess with a stick.

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All the kids got to take lots of whacks before it finally opened up.  And no kid took a broom handle in the face!   That’s pretty good for 14 kids, include four 2-year-old boys. 

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I put very little candy in there, but Wesley dove in, took 3 lollipops and walked off before anyone noticed.  Luckily, it was caught on camera.  (With so many kids of different ages, I had whistles, gliders, tattoos, etc., and the rule was to get just one of everything.  This worked great…except for Wesley who just took the suckers and left everything else.)

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Check out this awesome cake my friend, Elizabeth, made.  If you look carefully, you can tell it is a simple round cake, cut a certain way and flipped around a bit.  Pure genius.

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Kyla like everything about her special day.

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There was an “after-party” for those who didn’t have to get home for naps.  We opened up the air-rockets Kyla got and did our best to send them to outer space. 

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The kids stood back and took running jumps on to the air pump and then tried to catch the rocket before it landed. 

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Aubrey impressed us all with how high hers flew!

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To get a  rocket out of the trees, one first throws Wesley’s yellow bat up after it.  To get the bat of the tree, one only needs to throw a basketball up after it a few times to bring everything back down.

Kyla's 6h 112


The day couldn’t have been much better, either the birthday or for her mother.

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