Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Indoctrination, Two Tales

Story 1:  Kyla learned her do-re-mi’s in children’s choir a few months ago and I’ve been wanting to show her that song in Sound of Music ever since.  The movie came in from Netflix earlier and we sat down to watch that scene together this afternoon. 

I have seen this movie two dozen times in my life, but not since I've become a mother.  I saw something today that I have never noticed before.   Julie Andrews is biking with all seven children—the youngest in a child’s seat on Julie’s bike—and not a one is wearing a helmet!  I couldn’t even hear the music while I watched this in somewhat fascinated horror.  And I realized how indoctrinated I’ve become about car seats and helmets and organic carrot sticks. 


Story 2, where I have done the brainwashing:  My favorite overheard conversation this week has been Kyla and Piper coming up the stairs arguing.

Kyla:  Piper, you and me are princesses and we have to go do our homework.

Piper:  I am pig, not a princess.  Oinky-oink-oink.*

Kyla:  But you can be a pig princess.

Piper:  Oinky-oink-oink.  Kyla, I am not a princess.


*From her current favorite Piggy and Elephant book, Piggy Day.

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