Saturday, February 11, 2012

Haven’t Yet Found a Month We Don’t Bike

For his birthday, Wesley got a little mini balance bike that I found on Craigslist  for $25.  It’s a homemade one, which I love, partly because it is well-crafted and partly because its smaller than the other store-bought Skuut bikes.

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Piper has a regular pedal bike with training wheels.  She has ridden it less and less, and I’m not quite ready—in winter—to teach her to ride without the training wheels.  So when I came across a flat-tired Skuut bike for $10 at Value Village, I grabbed it,  knowing that used, these usually go for $50.  I doubled the original cost when I fixed the wheels, but Piper loves it and uses it whenever she has the chance. 

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When we were at my parents’ house last weekend, Piper and Wes both figured out how to glide downhill with their feet up in the  air.  I think there is an implicit daring between the two.

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Kyla just loves to ride her bike.  She’s great at it now.  Running along side her in the neighborhood I grew up in, I remembered learning to ride my own bike without training wheels.  I was much older.  But like her, I was certain I was the fastest thing on two wheels in the world!

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