Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Look Who’s Two!

IMG_3986Terrible Two. 

Terrific Two. 

Just because they are contrary doesn’t mean both aren’t true.












He is a joy who is so darn capable.  We moved him into a big kid bed this weekend after a week of him not napping because he was having too much fun crawling out of his crib, turning on his light, opening his door, and cheerfully announcing, “Mom, all done sleeping!” 

Piper reads to Wes in his new bed.

(Though truthfully, it was more “Mom, ah duhn sweepen.”  And when did he start calling me Mom?)

And as a few months ago, I’m only his favorite if Daddy (and sometimes Piper) is not around.  Boy, that boy thinks his daddy is so much fun.  And he is.  I would be, too, if I didn’t yell so much.  Sigh.

Yesterday, after not taking his afternoon nap (and was appropriately cranky), I let the kids watch a Zamoomafoo video.  Next time I looked at Wesley, he was sound asleep, having collapsed on Piper’s lap.  I grabbed my camera.  Then woke him up.  Because it was 5:30pm. 




Wesley opens his birthday present.



Wesley likes the idea of going outside to play in the snow, but not the reality of it.  I love that he is wearing Daddy’s gloves.  It makes him look like a trained seal. 



Because it is a special day (his birthday, as well as another snowed-in day, and Daddy was home!), I let them do play-do.  Because play-do is not fun for Mama.



Happy, happy birthday, my boy!  It’s the last birthday we can get away with not celebrating—at least until it’s convenient for us, and the snow let’s us out.  But here’s a cake you can spit all over.

Winter 099

Winter 103

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