Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why, at best, “nothing” gets done

At the end of the day, the best I can often hope for is that the house looks as good as it did in the morning.  That’s not to say that nothing happened during the day. 

Case in point:

1) Four kids played with playdough on the kitchen table.  Possibly on the floor.  Eventually it gets cleaned up and put away, and the table looks pre-breakfast.

2) Piper tried to clean up a poopy mess on her own and gets it in the carpet.  After lots of rags and Nature’s Miracle, we are back to pre-poop carpet.

3) Dwayne left this morning                   When he came home tonight, it

and the coat closet looked                       looked like this:

like this:

261    261 

For most of the afternoon, it looked like this (luckily, after all the home projects we’ve done, I had extra pole brackets):253


The end.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

So true, so true.

"What did you do all day?" Them's fightin' words! :)